This is Me

I just want to talk to you a little about myself before I start posting the interesting stuff!
Just like my description, I am a crazy girl. I consider myself an average college student with big goals and lots of experiences ahead of me. I love to make crafts, specially for me or my room and I'm always looking for new things to do.
I'm constantly trying to find the real me, trying to get inspiration from other people's style, behavior and lifestyle, but I still can't get it right. I'm not trying to BE someone else if that's what you're thinking, I just want to change some aspects of my life that don't let me move forward and keep pulling me back... I definitely need to be more mature, after all, I'm almost 23 and in less than a year, I'll be graduated.

The idea of this blog is to free my thoughts, the trapped ones I feel I can't say out loud without being judged or laughed at... (I know, I probably shouldn't care... but I do, and that's one of the things I have to change about myself). Besides, who knows? You might be thinking the exact same thing about yourself, and I might be helping you too! :)

Anyways, let's put a side the "dramatic" part... In this blog I'm also gonna post lots of articles and tips and tricks to feel better about myself and, hopefully, make you feel better too: clothes, trends, beauty tips, and more! Plus, every now and then I'll be teaching you some crafts you can easily make for yourself or as a gift :D.

With nothing more to say for now, thanks for reading! :) I'll see you again soon!

*B. Doe*