I'm very excited to tell you that i've made some changes in my overall appearance, including wardrobe, and that i'm very very happy with them!
First, and most important, I've got STRAIGHT HAIR! ...yes, my hair was curly (Curly: annoying frizz ball), i just realized i never told you but hey, now you now! And yes, it is now permanently straight trough the amazing Japanese Bioinic Straightening treatment! If you want some info, review or anything about it, let me know :).
Let me tell you guys, i really liked my curly hair when it behaved (about once a month) but straight hair is the easiest thing in the world! Now i only have to apply products because i want it to smell good, not because i'm trying to tame it! It's unbelievable, it really is... <3.
Apart from the hair, the other big and recent change has been in my wardrobe. I have gone waaaaaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone and i have bought SHORTS.... again, i never told you how self conscious i am of my legs, which i'll never stop but whatever, but yeah, i was (am) and i bought two pairs of shorts!! Lace and jeans, and i'm in loooooooooooove with them, i can't wait to wear them :D.
Here's how they look like:
Jeans (obviously)

And i regret admitting i have stopped doing yoga and i started eating like a bear about to hibernate but my job wears me out soooooooooooo bad, i'm just hungry and tired all the time, BUT i found the way to keep my weight like it should and started looking at portions. Portions portions portions! I eat chips if i want, but just a bit, i eat brownie if i want but half the square thingy, not all of it, AND i'm reducing sodas to once a day max! (Hurraaaay :D). The hardest part is to start with the exercise again cause i leave waaaay too early to avoid traffic and i come back home late and too tired so, i'm still trying to figure out what to do with that... anyways, those are my fashion/beauty related updates. Stay tuned for more xD.
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