Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm Back!

Hey everyone!! It's been a looooong time since i've posted here and i missed it!

I've been sooooooo freaking busy with college you wouldn't believe it!! And i've been trough so much this last couple of months that i haven't had time for anything... but oh well, at least today I have a couple of minutes to write :).

My life actually became incredibly complicated for a lot more time than i wanted to, my college projects were going downhill, my only 2 classes last trimester almost absorbed every bit of me, the community service drove me nuts (it's still driving me crazy btw), my relationships were cracking and sadly my family and I had a terrible event... my grandfather died... so, as you can see, it was tough... i had a really really really tough couple of months... but, since I was in the bottom of the barrel I just needed to start climbing up to get out, and right about now I think I'm almost out.

The hardest part was, of course, my grandfather's death, specially cause even though I didn't have a strong connection with him, he was my ONLY grandpa, and I regret not having shared with him like I should have... The funny thing is that i'm not sad because he left us, i'm sad because I realize now he really was a big part of my life, and i'm figuring it out right now when it's too late... I miss him.
What comforts me is the fact that he was suffering, a lot... and he will never have to go trough that again, ever. And I'm not that kind of person who believes in heaven and hell, but I do believe in freedom of the soul and eternal happiness without pain or suffering after you die, so I'm sure he's just fine.

Yes, I miss him and I will remember him always, but I understand I have other loved ones living right next to me, and those are the ones I need to care about now.

Since I don't want to make this a sad post or anything, I'm just gonna move on and write about the other stuff... and this is the part when I freak out when I say: I'm graduating in June 2012! Yes yes, that's right around the corner for me, and I'm so afraid... but not because of the ceremony and stuff but because of the hard work I have to do before and the blank space in my mind of the AFTER... I mean come on... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO DO!! I am actually freaking out right now, it's just the biggest question mark in my life... what the heck am I going to do afterwards???... I know I want to have a PhD, but I don't know what's it going to be about cause honestly, what i'm doing for my graduate project, is not what I want to do as an investigator... I'll just have to take a deep breath and relax until the idea pops up in my head...

Anyways, moving on, I'm taking up YOGA!! Yeap, yoga boys and girls, the "workout" i've been picking on since i've heard of it, laughing about since i saw it the first time... yeah, that one... who would have thought??
Why? you ask me, well because i realized I was a freaking nerve rack, ticking time bomb, sack of tense muscles, etc etc etc... and i needed and escape, and guess what... IT'S A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! I'm reading a book i got which is sort of a guide trough basic yoga movements and easy routines for different targets and it's amazing, i love it! I've been doing it for about 5 days now (yeah, i know it's not a long time) but i've seen the results in my mood, in my stress levels and in my improvement of handling situations that would normally make me mad. In other words, it does work.... the breathing techniques and the concentration you need to keep up with the poses (not easy ones btw x_x) are super helpful. So, if you feel like you need a daily break from everything, try it, believe me it works!!

But hey, enough with the yoga publicity since i'm not getting paid for it (lol), I wanna finish up by saying I will try to keep up a lot more weekly posts and I will keep writing about my overall life goals improvement/discovery or whatever haha.

I Love You guys :).

Be happy!!
